About Dan Hoang

I am primarily an iOS Developer, with additional experience in Web and Android. My primary project is TournaMake Pro, a multi-platform (Web, iOS, Android) app that connects to a GraphQL back end:

My iOS Connect meetup takes place every couple of weeks.

Another app, RePAIRr, is live in both the app store and play store.
My first iOS app is an older version of TournaMake.

I have been an iOS Developer for 6 years, using both Swift and Objective-C. I majored in Computer Science while studying at SCU, where I learned Web Development in Ruby, and Algorithms in C++. Had an iOS Contractor role at Shiphawk in November 2014. Worked with web developers, to create an iOS app using their API's. I landed an iOS internship role at BlueJay Mobile-Health, where I worked with senior developers on mobile health apps. Afterward, I landed a Web internship at ShipHawk.
Since graduating, I have worked for Sprungspot, Carmates, and Vudu (Fandango/NBCUniversal).